Sunday, January 18, 2015

Make the most of Winter

Winter is long where I live. And I mean really long. Like, November to March long... Sometimes even longer. With the Winter lasting so long, it can get a little boring and frustrating. It's hard to leave the house, go for walks and stay warm. It seems like everything is working against you in winter. With Christmas being over, I think many of us need a pick-me-up to keep us going. Here are some ways to enjoy Winter, rather than waiting for it to be over.

Bundle up and go outside
 Don't let the snow & cold keep you in. Get on your coat, boots and head and take a quick walk to look at the scenery.

Cozy up and stay in
 If heading out is not for you, get a blanket and your favorite book/movie, and relax at home.

Go skating
I've never been much of a skater but many people love t so give it a go!

Have a spa night
My skin is always twice as dry in winter so I like to give it some extra love!

Try something new
Try something new that you can't try in the warmer months like a dark lip color!

Take advantage of warm winter drinks
Take advantage of hot chocolate, lattes and Starbucks drinks since you won't see much of them in the Summer.

Enjoy your winter attire
Try styling your winter pieces and making the most out of them.

Cook or bake
I love baking all year round yet it's especially fun in the winter.

Take pictures
 It gets old seeing the same snow everyday, however when you look back on your winter pics in the warmer months, they look a whole lot prettier.

How do you take advantage of the cold months?

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