Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Where I Find Inspiration

I'm often stuck looking for inspiration and not being able to find any. We all got through dull periods where we feels very uninspired. I thought I'd share my favorite places to find inspiration in case you are having trouble finding some.

 This is my number 1 inspiration hotspot! I can usually find inspiration for anything I'm looking for. Check out my Pinterest here if you'd like!
 Going for a walk through your neighborhood can definitely spark your imagination!
Store displays
 I find a lot of inspiration from going shopping! Do I really need another excuse? Store displays and products can give off tons of that inspo you're looking for!
 I love looking through Instagram. It not only inspires my own Instagram posts, but it inspired me in other aspects.
Friends & family
 Try talking to other for inspiration. Having another opinion and view can really help.
 This one's a bit obvious, but quotes are great!
Other blogs
 This is one of the best way to find blog post inspiration. Just make sure to not completely copy.

Lastly, magazine are very helpful too. I mainly take ideas for blog post ideas from magazine headlines.

I hope this helps & stay inspired! :)

1 comment:

  1. This post is totally perfect. I've been feeling a little uninspired so I think Pinterest is the way to go. :]

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