Saturday, April 25, 2015

DIY Honey & Lemon Acne Spot Mask

Hello! I breakout a few times a month and never really bother to do anything about it. I've recently been trying this DIY honey and lemon spot mask and it's not too bad. it doesn't work wonders or anything but it definitely shrinks my pimples a bit! I thought I'd share the recipe even though it's almost too simple to bother sharing!

All you need is honey and lemon juice! I sued pre-squeezed juice but you can definitely squeeze your own. I usually use about equal parts of each, but you can just it to your preference. Once you've mixed it up, apply it to all of you acne. You can apply it all over if you'd like too, but I've never done that!

That's about it! Hoped this helped a bit, have a great Saturday!


  1. This is great! I love natural & homemade products. This acne spot project is something I could definitely use. :]

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  2. This is great! I love natural & homemade products. This acne spot project is something I could definitely use. :]

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